Flicka McGurrin
“The Great Polluters” is an exhibit of works by Flicka from 1990 and created in her former studio in Pier 70. in her words, Flicka says…mega behemoths that ply our oceans with pollution and violate the wild inhabitants of our seas...they sit peacefully at anchor like cows at pasture...and while we acknowledge their beauty , we cannot ignore the pollution wrought by the contents of their bellies...
“The Great Polluters” is on exhibit at Sweetie’s Art Bar’s Black + White Gallery and open Wednesday - Sunday during Sweetie’s hours…opening daily at 4 pm and closing at 10pm on weeknights and 10:30pm on the weekend. May 6 - May 31, 2022.
Art Party Celebrating “The Great Polluters” is Friday, May 27 from 6pm - 8pm @ Sweetie’s.
Flicka is both an artist and a business owner. She discovered her passion for art in high school and has developed her talent and deepened her creative resource through formal art education, travel, life, and continually painting, sculpting, photographing, singing and drumming. Though she has worked with a variety of topics and mediums, Flicka frequently returns to painting and to ocean-related themes.